

What is it?

This is a simple TPA plugin, that allows player to teleport them self to others players. There are a few things you have to know about this plugin:

  1. The teleport is only for players that are in the same world.
  2. There's a cooldown between a tpa request and another.
  3. You can change the cooldown from the config.yml file. (The default cooldown is 20 seconds)


There are only 3 commands:

  • /tpa <Player> (send a tpa request to a specified player)
  • /tpaccept (accept a tpa request)
  • /tpdeny (deny a tpa request)


  • /tpa <Player> = tpa.tpa
  • /tpaccept = tpa.accept
  • /tpdeny = tpa.deny

The permissions are for all the player, not only for op

Version 2.1

In this version the ops don't need to wait between a request and another.

Version 2.2

In this version you have the ability to make custom messages!

PS: the plug-in works for 1.9 and for 1.8 too!
