- Banish Items
- Work with Votifier
- Store function
- System of rules
- Cash
- View server staff
- Random teleport
- Spread your skype
- Send a message to everyone on the server, and call attention to a sound
- Set incoming and outgoing messages
- Set the motd of your server
- Command for players to ask for help from the staff. "Teleport is included"
- Works with legendchat and simpleclans (To show the clan tag)
Command | Usage | Description |
/shelp | /shelp For staff: (ban/unban/respond) | For player (help message) | Sends a help message to all server staff |
/random | /random | Teleport to a random location (Using this command can cause damage to players) |
/tpc | /tpc (x) (y) (z) (world) | Teleports to the defined location |
/lban | /lban (add/remove/setmessage/check/banlist) | Function to ban items |
/delstrike | /delstrike (player) | Removes player strikes |
/colors | /colors | hows how some colors and shapes are made |
/staff | /staff | Shows the server staff and whether they are online |
/rulesvip | /rulesvip (player) (vipname) | Used for when the player buys a VIP before accepting the rules |
/strike | /strike (player) (message) | Add a strike in player history |
/strikes | /strikes (player) | Shows an inventory with player strikes |
/link | /link | Displays the critical link menu |
/serverm | /serverm (true) (message) | (true Is optional, it is used for when you want to catch the attention of all players when giving the command /serverm) Used to send message to all server users with server name |
/skype | /skype (skype name) | Used to advertise your skype to the server |
/lchat | /lchat | Used to clear private chat |
/setshop | /setshop | Used to set the teleporter location when der / shop |
/setshopv | /setshopv | Create a private shop for a vip player |
/delshopv | /delshopv | Remove the private store from the vip player |
/shopv | /shopv <player> | Go to the one player vip shop |
/delshop | /delshop | Remove the store |
/shop | /shop | Go to the store |
/shopveditm | /shopveditm | Change incoming message |
/rules | /rules | Used to view server rules |
/vip | /vip | Go to the VIP area |
/delvip | /delvip | Delete the VIP area |
/skull | /skull (player) | Grab a player's head |
/rulesconfig | /rulesconfig | Administrative rules command |
/chbonus | /chbonus | Function for players to win pre-defined items that comes randomly |
/cash | /cash (player) | Command used to check if cash |
/casheco | /casheco (player) (set/add/remove/reset) | Function used to change players' cash |
/vote | /vote | Command used to redirect player to server vote site |