Crystal Craft

Crystal Craft


Crystal Craft


Hello guys, this is my first plugin. I've created this plugin, because my servers spawn looked kinda boring. So I though: "Hey why not add some Ender Crystals!" After several of tries, with World Edit, searching on YouTube, I finally decided to make a plugin that could add that. I couldn't really find any other plugins that did the job.


/crystal - Brief information about the plugin

/crystal help - Shows all the commands

/crystal spawn - Spawns an Ender Crystal at the block you're looking at.

/crystal reload - Reloads the config file


- CrystalCraft.Spawn - Used for the /crystal spawn command.

- CrystalCraft.Destroy - So the player can destroy the Ender Crystal with any materials or hand. People that doesn't have this perm, can only destroy it with an arrow

- CrystalCraft.Reload - Used for the /crystal reload command.

Enjoy :)

Todo list:

-When it gets broken it doesn't blow up blocks. 100/100 complete.

- Only people with a certain permission will be able to destroy it, other has to destroy it with an arrow. 100/100 complete.

- Add a config file so you can either turn Ender Crystal explosion(damage to blocks) on or off. 100/100 complete.


How it looks like: EnderCrystal

One of the many things it could be used for: EnderCrystal