Custom Server Messages


Custom Server Messages

Custom Server Messages | csm

With csm you can redefine the default Bukkit/Minecraft-server messsages.
(For example: whitelist message, join message, block /plugins message, and much more)


  • Edit Join & Leave messages
  • Edit /say & /me format (csm.say & to allow it)
  • Block /plugins, /version & /seed (csm.plugins, csm.version & csm.seed to allow it)
  • Disable messages by typing: Message: ''
  • Edit deathmessages!
  • If you have an other idea, write it in the Comments =]

Color codes

> CustomServerMessages works with this Color Codes! Click here to show the color codes


> Click here to show the default config.

Permissions Acces for the command /me <Message>
csm.say Acces for the command /say <Message>
csm.plugins Acces for the command /plugins
csm.version Acces for the command /version
csm.seed Acces for the command /seed


CustomServerMessages uses an Auto Updater. This means that new Versions will be downloaded automaticly, by default. You can disable this option in the config.yml!

The plugin sends statistics about the usage to the server You can disable in the config.yml!

CustomServerMessages statistics

Video Tutorial (Spanish)