CustomTabList allows you to customize the tablist of your server. Using simple commands and formatting codes you can create multiple lines of text below and on top of your tablist.
Additional using differnt placeholders, the tablist is able to show Information about the Server and the Player
- /tabhelp - Displays the usage and the placeholders.
- /tab set <Header/footer> <text> - sets the footer/Header of the tablist to the entered text (Color codes can be used)
- /tab reload/rl - reloads the tablist
- %playername% - will be replaced by the playername
- %worldname% - will be replaced by the name of the current world
- %playerteam% - will be replaced by the name of the scoreboard Team of the player
- %ping% - will be replaced by the current ping of the player
- %time% - will be replaced by the current time (hh:mm:ss)
- %playercount% - will be replaced by the number of Players on the Server
- $$ - will do a word wrap
Commands: /tab set header &2&lWelcome, &7%playername%
/tab set footer &b&lYour team: &e%playerteam%$$&b&lYour Ping: &a%ping% ms
Note: The plugin only Supports Minecraft 1.8.x Servers. Other verisons are coming soon.