


|Custom Join Items

*NOTE [23/12/2018,00.22]This plugin is outdated and a new one is in development! Keep an eye out for the update!

This is a plugin inspired from the Custom Join Items plugin for Minetcraft 1.7 by Filoghost. But this one is for Minecraft 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10! You can use this plugin for lobby server, a hub server, org just a normal survival server. This plugin will give you custom items when you join.


  • Gives you custom items on spawn
  • Clears your inventory on spawn (Configurable in the config)
  • Gives items on respawn (Configurable in the config)
  • Clear item drops on death (Configurable in the config)

Known Issues

These are issues i'm aware of and being fixed before the next update!

  • If you want to make your items immovable via another plugin, you can still lose then by clicking on item frames/ armorestands
  • If you want to use this plugin for lobby or kitpvp purposes, and set the material to an item with durability, when you use it the durability go's down.
  • When you turn the clear-inventory on spawn option off, each time you join you get a extra item. 


  • none



##|    CustomJoinItems v1.0    |##
##|        by Randegast        |##

#This plugin is created by Randegast. CustomJoinItems ©2016 GeamTeam.
#Specially made and tested on: Minecraft 1.10 ©2016 Mojang.
#WARNING: Decompiling is illegal.
auto-updater: true

#      Global       #

#Right here you can set the global settings.

#Set to true if you want to clear your inventory on join.
clear-inventory: false

#Set this to true if you want to get your items on respawn.
items-on-respawn: false

#Set this to true if you want to clear your items on death.
clear-death-items: false

#Disable the plugin in some worlds.
 - 'example-world'

#       Items       #

#The max items is 9. But more than that cant handle your hotbar!
#In the 1.1 update from this plugin this plugin will support items
#in your off-hand.
join-items-amount: 3

    material: BONE
    data-value: 0
    item-amount: 1
    display-name: '&6Example Item'
    display-slot: 5
     - '&7&oThis is a example item.'
     - '&7&oNo one knows what it does.'
    permission: none
    material: GOLD_HELMET
    data-value: 0
    item-amount: 5
    display-name: '&aCool Item'
    display-slot: 3
     - '&b&oThis plugin is awesome!'
     - '&c&oAnd made by Randegast.'
     - '&e&oSubscribe to my YT: Randegast.'
     - '&dCheck our website:'
    permission: none
    material: WOOL
    data-value: 6
    item-amount: 1
    display-name: '&9This is a useless admin tool with permission and a very long name.'
    display-slot: 7
     - 'none'
    permission: example.permission.item3