




Designed for RPG servers using Towny, Essentials, ChestShop, Pex, and Vault

CustomRanks is a plugin designed specifically for servers using the plugins specified. Adds nearly unlimited ranks and perks for players on your server. This plugin builds on the emphasis of a progressive ranking system, meaning that players can acquire every rank available on the server as long as they meet the required criteria. No longer do Server Admins have to move players up and down rank ladders or shuffle players between groups, instead the groups and permissions are tied to the player. This plugin utilizes an SQL database to log player data. Plugin can run almost entirely on its own with the Autopromotion feature enabled, this allows server admins more time to deal with other server issues and also ensures players don't have to wait for an admin to be online or execute a command to get promoted! This plugin can also handle your servers donation Ranks automatically without the need for Admin intervention (optional). All donation ranks received are logged in the plugins SQL database. Admins can easily view all the history for a players donations via one simple command.

Main Page | Installation & Setup | Permissions

Current Features

  • Add unlimited ranks and perks for players on your server.
  • Logs players "Unique" kills to a SQL database and autopromotes them when they reach a user defined amount of kills in the config.yml
  • Logs players "Unique" customers at any ChestShop and autopromotes them when they reach a user defined amount of customers in config.yml
  • Logs players residents to database so if u want global towny ranks based on number of residents a town has it will autopromote.
  • Adds chat channels Global, Local, Town, Nation, and MOD
  • Allows players to select their earned ranks and display them in chat.
  • Allows players to select and change their name color in chat.
  • Allows players to donate for Ranks and Perks.
  • Adds customisable donor rank tag to players name if players on your server are donors. (pulled from permissions file)
  • Adds mining ranks for players that mine lots of specific Ore types
  • Plugin can automatically check for updates from the website and alert you when there is an available update.
  • Players can view the ranks they have obtained via command (see the player commands list)
  • Players can view all available colors via command ( see player commands list)
  • Chat spam filter for removing spam messages from chat. v0.4
  • Chat language filter for removing bad words from chat. v0.5
  • Adds improvements to essentials /jail command, now players must be jailed for a reason and jailed players can view their jail duration and reason for being jailed :-)
  • players can earn/rent recurring broadcast messages on the server to advertise their town or shop (limited to 1 broadcast per 15 minutes)

Server Administration

  • Allows server administrators to verify players rank information via /Rankinfo <player> command
  • Choose between SQLite or MySQL database types
  • Plugin uses simple easy to use commands for promotion and demotion of players in Pex.
  • Players earn multiple groups/ranks in pex and retain all perks as they acquire new ranks and new perks!
  • Configurable promotion timer interval or disable it and manually promote players.
  • Player name color and title change commands are permission based so u can decide at which rank these options become available
  • Admins can create custom prefixes to display before their name in chat.
  • Decide whether to charge money for players executing certian commands (recommended)
  • Server owners can configure the donation subscription length in the config.yml
  • Players donations are logged to the plugins SQL database.
  • Server Owners/Admins can view all player donation history via a single command.
  • Automatically removes donors and their Ranks at the end of their subscription period.
  • Customisable server messages
  • Broadcast channel
  • Namecolor, prefixes, and donorprefixes are stored in players metadata now for faster and lighter chat application.
  • Ore types for mining ranks are logged to database for no cheat ranks.
  • You can disable the update checking feature in the plugins Config.yml file by setting the value of updatecheck to "false".
  • Chat API is designed for nearly infinite customization and is always improving
  • All chat channel templates and other options are configurable in the plugins Config.yml file.

Admin Commands

  • /Rank <player> <group> - Adds the GROUP you specify to the PLAYER you specify.
  • /Rankinfo <player> - Displays all ranking information for the PLAYER you specify
  • /Myprefix <prefix> - Allows Admins to create their own prefix format with colors and symbols.
  • /Rankdemote <player> <group> - Removes the GROUP you specify from the PLAYER you specify.
  • /Donor <playername> <groupname> - Adds a donation rank to the PLAYER you specify, saves the donation information to the Database.
  • /Donorinfo <playername> - Displays all donation information including history for the PLAYER you specify
  • /Ch broadcast - Adds the sender to the broadcast message mode
  • /Ch players <channel> Allows admins to view all players in the specified channel (example: /Ch players g, /Ch players l, /Ch players tc)
  • /Ch find <player> - Finds the channel a player is chatting in
  • /CustomRanks help - Displays help for plugin
  • /Customranks reloadconfig - reloads the plugins configuration file
  • /Jail <player> <jailname> <time/seconds> <reason> - uses essentials to jail a player but with reason
  • /Advmessage <type> <player> <message> - allows admins to rent out a server broadcast message to players that want to advertise their town or shop.

Player Commands

  • /mycustomers - Displays to the command sender the numeric value of his/her unique customers
  • /mykills - Displays to the command sender the numeric value of his/her unique kills
  • /titleme <rank> - changes the displayed rank in chat for the player (if the player has the rank & permission)
  • /titleme titles - Displays to the command sender all his/her acquired ranks
  • /colorme <color> - changes the name color for the player in chat (use this format dark_gray , red , black, yellow, dark_red, etc . . .)
  • /colorme colors - Displays to the command sender all the available colors for minecraft chat.
  • /Ch g - Adds command sender to the GLOBAL chat channel
  • /Ch l - Add command sender to the LOCAL chat channel
  • /Ch tc - Adds command sender to TOWN chat channel
  • /Ch nc - Adds command sender to the NATION chat channel
  • /Ch mod - Adds the command sender to the MOD chat channel (players must have permission)
  • /Ch help - Displays help for all channel commands
  • /Jailstatus - displays to the jailed player his duration and reason for being jailed


CustomRanks Chat

CustomRanks Rankinfo

Future Releases
  • Add More ranks categories from other plugins ? I"m open for suggestions as well, perhaps implementing more ranks from other plugins such as JOBS or FACTIONS
  • Add database purge command for purging the database of old information.
  • Add towny titles and ranks to town and nation chat channels
  • Add database backup command or autodatabase backup task shceduler options :)
  • I will not be implementing vault for permissions as alot of this plugin depends on Strict Pex only methods
  • I plan to make ranks visible above players head
  • Add action messages