




Unlike other plugins, you can set the spawn itself, even with direction of view. In addition you can set, that the Player will be send a Message when he joines to the Server (you can change the JoinMessage in the Settings.yml File; you can also delete it). You can also give the Player a Permission, to be automatically teleported to Spawn while joining. If the Player dies and has a special permission, he will be teleported to spawn, too, and a message will be send to him and another message will be send to the whole server. If you don't want such a message, you just have to type "null1" without the "".

Features in Version 2.0:

- You can set the Spawn

- You will be teleported to the Spawn when you join the server if you have a special permission

- You can teleport yourself to the spawn by using a command

- You can create and receive a spawn message 

- You will be teleported to the Spawn if you die and if you have a special permission

- You can create and receive a death message

- All other versions will be deleted!

- It supports all version form 1.8 to 1.11.2


- cst.setspawn (allows you to access the /cst setspawn command)

- cst.spawn.usecommand (allows you to access the /cst spawn command)

- cst.spawn.onjoin (allows you to be teleported to the spawn while joining)

- cst.spawn.onrespawn (allows you to be teleported to the spawn if you die)

- cst.reload (allows you to access the /cst reload command)

- cst.getjoinmessage.joinmessage (allows you to receive the join message)

- cst.getjoinmessage.joinmessagetoall (allows you to receive the join message to all players)

- cst.spawn.onrespawn (allows you to be teleported to the spawn if you die)

- cst.getrespawnmessage.respawnmessage (allows you to receive the respawn message)

- cst.getrespawnmessage.respawnmessagetoall (allows you to receive respawn message to all players)


</cst setspawn> - set the Spawn
</cst spawn> - teleports you to Spawn

</cst reload> - reloads the files: Settings.yml + Locations.yml


- If you have found a bug, please post a comment and I will fix that error