- Preventing configurable blocks to be placed
- Preventing configurable blocks to be used
- Preventing configurable blocks to be broken.
- Preventing right click with configurable items
- Multiworld support (per world restrictions)
- Bypass for OPs and players with permission
- Residence Support - allow placing / using / breaking items or blocks in nature or in residences.
- You can clear nature by preventing placing ugly blocks to nature, allow them only inside residences!
Configuration (click)
Click to see pretty, clean and easy configuration.Commands:
/bp reload:description: Reloads config.
bp.bypass -> Bypass all preventions!
bp.reload -> Access to reload command.
TO-DO List:
Preventing using some craft recipes.
Configurable blocks that can not be broken by mobs.
Feature requests, issues and questions:
If you have any questions about my plugins post it in comments or shot me a PM here on Bukkit. Please remember that I am coding this public plugins in my free time for you guys. I have nothing from it and I am not payed to code this plugins, so be patient and grateful, thanks. Also if I helped you or you like my work please donate it will give me motivation :)Donations:
Buy me a chocolate and give me motivation to next development.