Dakado Block Preventer

Dakado Block Preventer is a simple plugin which can prevent using (right clicking to some block, or chest or something) blocks. There is Residence Support, for example you can Prevent placing some blocks in the nature and allow them only in Residence(s). This Prevent can by bypassed by OP or by permission for bypass. This prevent works on survival / creative and also adventure player gamemodes. ALso you can prevent placing blocks for only some worlds. More features will be added.


  • Preventing configurable blocks to be placed
  • Preventing configurable blocks to be used
  • Preventing configurable blocks to be broken.
  • Preventing right click with configurable items
  • Multiworld support (per world restrictions)
  • Bypass for OPs and players with permission
  • Residence Support - allow placing / using / breaking items or blocks in nature or in residences.
  • You can clear nature by preventing placing ugly blocks to nature, allow them only inside residences!

Configuration (click)

Click to see pretty, clean and easy configuration.


/bp reload:
description: Reloads config.


bp.bypass -> Bypass all preventions!
bp.reload -> Access to reload command.

TO-DO List:

Preventing using some craft recipes.
Configurable blocks that can not be broken by mobs.

Feature requests, issues and questions:

If you have any questions about my plugins post it in comments or shot me a PM here on Bukkit. Please remember that I am coding this public plugins in my free time for you guys. I have nothing from it and I am not payed to code this plugins, so be patient and grateful, thanks. Also if I helped you or you like my work please donate it will give me motivation :)


Buy me a chocolate and give me motivation to next development.