Dakado Spawn



DakadoSpawn is a advanced Spawn plugin, it was originally designed for my Bukkit server but I decided to share. This pluguin is independent, so you do not need any other plugins. There are few commands only and some extra configuration settings, but you do not need to configure anything. All messages from this plugin are configurable.


  • Option for forcing player to spawn after join
  • Spawn command
  • Player speed control.
  • Force-Spawn cooldown
  • Spawning other players
  • Setspawn command
  • Configurable messages
  • Reloading config
  • *NEW*Playing sounds on spawn!
  • *NEW*Supports 193 sounds!

Commands & permissions:

description: Teleports to spawn.
usage: /spawn (player)
permission: spawn.spawn
description: Sets the spawn.
usage: /ss
permission: spawn.setspawn
description: Sets the spawn.
usage: /setspawn
permission: spawn.setspawn
description: Reloads config.
usage: /spawnreload
permission: spawn.reload
description: Shows the list of supported sounds.
usage: /soundlist
permission: spawn.soundlist


(Click, thats a link).


Warping system.
Multiple spawn, per-permission spawn.

Feature request, issues and questions:

If you have any questions about my plugins post it in comments or shot me a PM here on Bukkit. Please remember that I am coding this public plugins in my free time for you guys. I have nothing from it and I am not payed to code this plugins, so be patient and grateful, thanks. Also if I helped you or you like my work please donate it will give me motivation :)


If you want to buy me a chocolate and give me motivation please use this button.