DayVote is a plugin i decided i wanted for my server Forgotten Islands. I decided that you guys would probably like this plugin and since there was nothing else like this out there that i could find, i decided that i might as well share it with you guys :P. DayVote will check every world (not nether or end worlds) to see if it is becoming or is nighttime. It will broadcast a message to everyone in that world, asking them if they would like night time. If one person reply's with /dv night then the night cycle will be continued and you will not be asked about changing night again until the next day/night cycle. This plugin will get new features frequently like all of my plugins and will definitely be kept up-to-date with at least every RB. If a build breaks it, then i will update it because i obviously want it on my server and even if i didnt then i would still update it :P. I really hope you like this plugin.
Video of the plugin (Provided by IngrownPenguin)
- Asks if anyone wants night
- Simple setup (just drag and drop, no config)
- Just one command
- Supports multiple worlds (Tested with multiverse)
- Doesn't run on hell worlds
- Seperate time change for each world
- Multiple voting options
- /dv night (This is used when a vote is started to vote to keep the nighttime)
- /dv day (This is used when a vote is started and you are using voting method 2 and you want to make it day)
- Very small config with explanation here
Planned Features
- Option to set some worlds to always be daytime
- Option to ignore some worlds
- More versatile voting option (If 20% vote for night or if more people vote for night than they did day etc etc)
Current Bugs
- None :D
Current Recommended Build
- Will be releasing the first build with this post and the file can be found here: