- Remove the deathscreen
- Enable / disable item drops when a player dies
- Keep inventory on death (It's possible to keep the players inventory on death)
- Keer armor on death (It's possible to keep the players armor on death)
- Custom death message (Supports MineCraft color codes and bold,magic etc)
- Download the plugin
- Put it in your "Plugins" folder
- Restart or reload the server
Server using this plugin
- mc.universal-games.nl (1.8.8)
- /dm deathmessage [DEATH MESSAGE]
(Edit the deathmessage also supports color codes)
- /dm keeparmor [true or false]
(Let people keep their armor when they die)
- /dm keepinventory [true or false]
(Let people keep their inventory when they die)
- /dm dropitems [true or false]
(Enable/dissable item dropping on death)
- mDeathManager.*