This plugin will make your players earn that respawn. On respawn it will have a chance to send the player to a work camp to harvest material until they are free, it will remove the blocks once they have enough for freedom and spawn them back at the normal spawn.
- deathcamp.user.exempt
- deathcamp.admin.addlives
- Configuration file to save the random chance of players being sent to a work camp on respawn as well as save what material, coords of the camp, and how much they need in their inventory to be set free.
- Permissions to allow an exempt on users, groups, or regions so that the camp isn't enabled as it will be enabled by default if it is turned on in the config.
- Users will have X lives to avoid the random chance and that can be increased, reduced, or removed by the server staff/owner.
This plugin has been abandoned. Follow me on twitter. @pyropyro78