Versión en español:
To add
Everything had been added :)
- Death counter
- Click the chat to go to your point of death
- Command / dctp check <player>
- Tombs
What are the variables?
%player% -> Player who has died
%death_coord_x% -> Coordinate x of the dead player
%death_coord_y% -> Coordinate y of the dead player
%death_coord_z% -> Z coordinate of the dead player
%death_coord_world% -> World in which the dead player was
%version% -> Version of the plugin
%creator% -> "Nemo_64"
%death-count% -> Number of times the player has died
%playerD% only works in the click and check messages, indicates the dead player
%player% changes in the click message and becomes the command executer
Frequent questions:
1. Question: Why do not I get the messages?
Answer: Try removing the massages.yml file and restarting the plugin or server. You can make a copy of the edited messages
If your question is not answered here, send an email to [email protected]
In what versions does it work?
How does it work?
When a player dies a configurable message will be sent to the messages.yml file.
If the player uses / deahtp or / dtp will be teleported to that place.
Why this plugin and not another?
This plugin is available in two languages and allows you to teleport to the last place of death even after the server has been closed.
What are the permissions?
- DCTP.tpDeath - Gives access to the / deathtp and / dtp commands
- - Gives access to the / dctp info and / dctp commands i
- DCTP.version - Gives access to the commands / dctp version and / dctp v
- DCTP.creator - Gives access to the / dctp creator and / dctp c commands
- DCTP.reload - Gives access to the / dctp reload and / dctp r commands
- DCTP.check - Gives access to the / dctp check <player> and / dctp ch <player> commands
- DCTP.tumb.leaveTumb - Let the player to leave a tomb
What are the commands?
- / deathtp and / dtp - Teleport to your last death
- / dctp info and / dctp i - Give plugin information
- / dctp version and / dctp v - Say the plugin version
- / dctp creator and / dctp c - The plugin editor says
- / dctp reload and / dctp r - Reload the plugin
- / dctp check <player> and / dctp ch <player> - Tells information about the last death of a player
Who is the creator?
Have you created more plugins?
Not now
Any way to contact you?
Send me an email to:
And I will answer you as soon as possible