

DeathNotifier - Broadcast Deaths!

DeathNotifier notifies the world of deaths with configurable random messages. This plugin has grown from only able to broadcast deaths in game to be able to broadcast deaths in IRC. Features have soon been modulised to suit the needs of various people. I welcome feature and module requests, just ask, I don't bite.


  • Broadcasts death messages chosen randomly
  • Death messages are configurable
  • Additional modulised features


  1. Download DeathNotifier Recommended Build and rename to DeathNotifier.jar
  2. Put it in the plugins folder
  3. Configure
  4. Done!

DeathNotifier Modules

  1. Download the module
  2. Put in /plugins/DeathNotifier/modules/
  3. Restart server
CraftIRC2ModuleFor broadcasting deaths through CraftIRC 2
CraftIRC3ModuleFor broadcasting deaths through CraftIRC 3
ConsoleOutputFor sending deaths to console


The configuration of DeathNotifier is simple and easy. Basicly edit each option by adding or removing new messages.

The default messages are just examples, use your creativity, I will not provide more messages. (Unless a new death cause were to appear and I have to give it default messages)

Variables in messages include: %player (The killed player), %opponent (The player who killed) and %weapon (The weapon the killer used)

Messages can be per world and the delay between messages can be configured in seconds. Everything that is not a tool will not have its name shown exactly. To enable the names of all items, it is also configurable.


/dnreloadReloads the config
/dnversionGives you the version of DeathNotifier

Permission Nodes

Permission NodeDescription
DeathNotifier.reloadRequired to be able to use /dnreload
DeathNotifier.updateWill be notified about version updates on join

Colour Codes

Colors can be used in messages.

Here is a list of colour codes and the colour it represents:

#                         COLOUR CODES                         #
# &0 (black), &1 (dark blue), &2 (green), &3 (dark aqua),      #
# &4 (red), &5 (purple), &6 (gold), &7 (silver),               #
# &8 (grey), &9 (blue), &a (light green), &b (aqua),           #
# &c (light red), &d (light purple), &e (yellow), &f (white),  #
# &k (magical)                                                 #
# &l (bold), &m (underlined), &n (striked), &o (italic)        #

Just put the colour codes in where you want them and you're done!


Thanks to UltiByte for making this video




Let us know about them!


Recommended Build

Latest Stable Build



We welcome pull and feature requests!


To determine popularity of this plugin, plugin installs are automatically tracked by the Metrics plugin tracking system. If you don't want to help or are paranoid, edit plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and set opt-out to true. But seeing more users makes me very happy.

DeathNotifier Statistics by Metrics
