The traditional Deathswap minigame concept, but with extra features! This is known to work in 1.15.2 but it hasn't been tested in other versions - feel free to let me know what versions it has worked on and I'll update it!
Commands! /dsjoin - Join the lobby /dsleave - Leave the lobby /dslist - List the players in lobby /dsstart - Start the game! (Op required) /dsstop - Stop the game! (Op required) /dstime Set the length of the swaps (Use Seconds) (Op required) /dsspec - Spectate an alive player!
This was a done as a side project, so limited testing has been done - but shouldn't crash (for the most part). If you do discover an issue, comment below with the error from the console and how to recreate it the best you can!
Known Bugs:
- Defining no time causes rounds to be 0 seconds long, this should be 300 seconds by default and will be fixed in the next update