SellSign v0.5 Sell property with Lockette and LWC Support!
SellSign is a plugin for bukkit that uses Lockette (by Acru Jovian) [ Now Supports LWC ] to be able to Sell property to other players.
Sellsign requires the following plugins to work properly.
- Lockette or LWC
- Vault
- All vault supported economy systems.
How to use:
- Line 1 = [Private]
- Line 2 = Your name, or can be left blank if the sign is for you. (you can also plays signs for other people if your users have the right Lockette permissions).
- Line 3 = [fs]
- Line 4 = $500 (can be any price, Commas are not supported yet!)
Make sure you lock your door first with /cprivate
- Line 1 = [SellSign]
- Line 2 = Your name
- Line 3 = Empty, will automatically be replaced with For Sale
- Line 4 = $500 (can be any price, Commas are not supported yet!)
No plugin permissions yet, if your users are allowed to use Lockette than they are allowed to use SellSign. Vice versa.
Version 0.6
- Config file to be able to change the $ sign and For Sale text.
Version 0.5
- Added LWC Support (Instead of [private] you have to use [SellSign])
Version 0.4
- Added several extra check to prevent errors.
- Fixed the calculation of your remaining balance after buying property. (it will now properly show your current balance).
Version 0.3
- Fixed a bug where it would give an error if the dollar sign wasn't included.
- Added some extra check to prevent errors.
Version 0.2
- Removed useles code.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Added Color
Version 0.1
- SellSign is born.
Future updates:
- Permissions