This plugin is for servicing DialogFlow in Spigot. With your Google Cloud Platform project and Service Key, Just add key.json in plugin/DialogFlowPlugin and run it!
More information or errors/issues, visit Github.
How to use
- Download and install .jar file in <server directory>/plugins/
- Copy your GCP service key file in <server directory>/plugins/DialogFlowPlugin
- Change key file name to key.json
- Command and default chatting system with DialogFlow Agent
- Custom permission nodes to use commands and access Agent
- Custom events at request/response with Agent, developers can add Listeners
- Unnecessary environment variable setting (
- /df: Default command. show all commands that has permission.
- /df start: Start chatting with Agent with default language.
- /df stop: Stop chatting with Agent.
- /df send (message) [language code]: Send Agent (message) once with [language Code]. Without language code, using default language.
- /df language: Show all languages that Agent support.
- /df list: Show all player that chatting with Agent.
- Using /df start and /df stop
- dialogflow.send: Using /df send
- dialogflow.language: Using /df language
- dialogflow.list: Using /df list1. 1.