Ore alerter

Ore alerter



Gives you an notice in the chat when player is mining ores.


  • Added NEW type of messages please see screanshot at the images you can now see how many ores someone has mined and in their color.
  • Upgraded log system to make better logs Example: "[su, 06-march-2016 22:43:34] diamond ore broken by UGxSynteX at [x: -64, y: 69, z: 265] in world"
  • New log.txt file daily so you can easly search a log for a date example: "log 06-march-2016.txt"
  • You can choose from how many ores you'll get a message example 3+ (3+ by default) you can change it in the config file


  • Log system makes a daily txt file
  • You can choose from when you want to get an alert (default by 3+)
  • Counts how many ores a player has mined
  • Log system can be turned on/off in the config file. Logs are saved in the plugin folder
  • You can choose for which ores you'll get a message
  • Only sends notice when player is mining diamond/emerald/gold/lapis/coal/iron ore and is in SURVIVAL because why you need an alert when someone is in creative?
  • Sends a notice to only staff members! with the notify permission
  • Protects your server from xRay if you get many alerts teleport to the player and check it out!


  • dAlert.noty is the permission to get an alert when someone is mining diamonds (default added in op).


I'm developing this plugin in my free-time, if you like my plugin and want to help me, please donate. Donating is the best way to help me out, it goes towards more bug-fixing. Thanks! The Donate Button is in the top right corner.