DirtPaths - Prevent grass and snow spreading:
Dirt Paths allows a user to type in a command and place dirt that grass will not spread to and snow wont form on. Thereby allowing the user to create dirt paths that will persist in the game world indefinitely.
Also, Dirt Paths allows an admin to set up a wand item to allow a user to click dirt and have that dirt not allow grass to spread or snow to form. The wand can also be set up to turn grass into dirt which will not allow grass or snow to form.
- To use
- Simply type /dpath and start placing dirt. Type /dpath again and any dirt now placed will grow grass.Simply right or left click grass or dirt with the wand item set up in the config.
- Stops grass from growing on dirt that was placed while the command was enabled
- Stops grass from growing on dirt that was clicked with the wand tool
- Stops snow forming on dirt that was clicked with the wand tool
- Stops snow forming on dirt that was placed with the command activated
- Stops snow forming on blocks defined in config (v1.4 up)
- Wand that turns grass into dirt that grass wont spread to and snow wont form on
- /dpath - Command sets placed dirt to not grow grass or have snow form on - enter command again to disable
- Permissions
(groupmanager, permissionsEx, bukkit permissions, ops) - 'dirtpaths.dpath' / Ability to place dirt that grass wont grow on and snow wont form on
Any plugin that also changes dirts data value or listens for a dirt data value will conflict with this plugin. Placed dirt using the /dpath command changes the dirt data value from default 0 to 1. This plugin listens for that value and cancels grass spreading and snow forming if it sees dirt with a 1 instead of a 0.
if you like this plugin and want to support me. Its much appreciated. :-)
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