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DisabledPotions is a plugin for disabled potions (drink, splash and splashed by dispenser)
You can configure in configuration potions to active and potions to desactive
The plugin has an automatic update system from version 0.2
The configuration system is available from version 0.1
Update was downloaded in plugin/update/
Description: Displays the author, the command list
Permission: None
/dpotions version:
Description: Displays the version of plugin and config
Permission: disabledpotions.version
/dpotions info:
Description: Displays potion active and desactivate, and the item replaced if the potion is disabled and the replacement item is active
/dpotions reload:
Description: Reload configuration
Permission: disabledpotions.reload
prefix: "&4--- [&bDisabledPotions&4] ---" no-permissions: "&cYou don''t have permission for that!" should_be_player: "&cYou should be a player!" message_potion: "&cYou can't use this potion"
prefix = Prefix which appears each command
no_permissions = Message that appears when the player isn't allowed to a command
should_be_player = Message that appears when a command is executed by the console
message_potion = Message that appears when the player drink or splash a potion and if this potion is disable
Potions: INCREASE_DAMAGE: Level1: true Level2: true FIRE_RESISTANCE: Level1: true Level2: true HARM: Level1: true Level2: true HEAL: Level1: true Level2: true INVISIBILITY: Level1: true Level2: true JUMP: Level1: true Level2: true NIGHT_VISION: Level1: true Level2: true POISON: Level1: true Level2: true REGENERATION: Level1: true Level2: true SLOW: Level1: true Level2: true SPEED: Level1: true Level2: true WATER_BREATHING: Level1: true Level2: true WEAKNESS: Level1: true Level2: true ReplaceItem: Active: true Item: 0 version_config: 0.3
- False = Disable the potion
True = Active the potion
- Active = Active the option to replace the disable potion to item, set to true for active
Item = The id of item replaced