a usefull Lib with a lot of helpfull utils
- open source
- github
- new commandsystem: no need to register the commands in the plugin.yml
- MySQL utils
- custom events like: PlayerBlockMoveEvent
- tons of other helpfull utils
optional dependencies:
you don't need any dependencies for this lib!
But some classes depends on ProtocolLib (like [look in the javadocs above the class in github, if you want to know if a class depends on protocollib or not],
if you want to use these, you have to install also the plugin ProtocolLib on your server.
/DKLib - only a test command, to see if DKLib is enabled or not
for Developers: How to use DKLib in your plugin
first Include the jar file as a dependency and install move DKLib to your servers plugin folder
then add this line to the plugin.yml of you plugin:
depend: [DKLib]
for Developers: Example for using the command system
create a class like this:
klick here...
then register the command in your main class like this:
CommandManager cm; @Override public void onEnable() { //command test cm = new CommandManager(this); cm.registerCommand(new TestCommand(cm)); //add a prefix for usage message, etc. default is "" cm.PREFIX = "§f[§4TEST§f] "; }