
What can DragonSpawn do?

DragonSpawn can:

  • Set custom /spawn commands Ie: /hub (if you own a hub server), /Donate (if you have a donation center)
  • Allows you to setup it's own permission that players need to use that command!
  • Edit What world the player will spawn in when using the set command.

What permissions do you need to setup?

There is only two

  • - spawn.dspawn (Give this permission to the players you want able to create a /dspawn (spawn location) recommend staff only
  • - dspawn.playerteleport (this one is changeable in the config found in plugins folder) Allows the user to access your set spawn command.

Current bugs
  1. Players may spawn facing opposite way of spawn location.
  • No other notable errors.

Version 0.1 Alpha