Wanna be able to compete agains other players in a drawing contest?
Simple Explanation
This plugin allows you to compete agains other players in a drawing game!
There will be one drawer each round, who will get a random word that he/she has to draw!
The viewers in the same game now have to guess the word!
When the word is guessed or the time runs out, it's a new players turn to draw!
The server: mc.duncsweb.com has been so kind as to make a video of the plugin in use, and its features!
Check it out: link
If you want a video tutorial of how to set up a new arena, this youtube channel has been so kind to make one.
Check it out: link
Detailed Explanation
After more than 1 player joins a game the game will start, and a player will be selected as the drawer!
The drawer now receives a random word, that he will now have to draw for the viewers.
As the drawer starts drawing, the viewers simply writes in the chat what they think the word is.
A new round will begin if all viewers guess the word, or the time runs out. By default the time is 2 min.
Next round the next player in line is selected as drawer, and the previous becomes a viewer.
Players in a game have their own chat, and will not be able to chat with the rest of the server when the game starts.
They will not even receive the messages, the players not in the same game sends.
The word list consists by default of approximately 50 Minecraft words from a file, that the plugin automatically creates the first time it's started.
To not have the same word in the same game too close to each other, you can in the the config file set how many words that has to be used, before the same word can be used again. This is by default 40, which means that it will take 40 rounds before the same word can appear again!
When a new round begin, the new drawer's gamemode will be set to creative, and the previous drawer's gamemode will be set to survival (if not admin).
To draw, the drawer can by default only use all colors of wool, but if you want the drawers to be able to use more materials, you can add the material id's in the config file.
The drawer can only place and break blocks added to the config file, and only in the game area which is selected when an admin creates a new game. Also the spawn point for the drawer and the spawn point for the viewers is selected when creating a game.
- To make players admin for this plugin, and give them the possibility to create and delete games, give them this permissions node:
- drawcraft.dc
- To permit players to join games, give them the following permissions node:
- drawcraft.join
This plugin will only work with the WorldEdit plugin installed! You can download WorldEdit by following this link: here
The plugin includes a point system!
- Each time a viewer guesses the word, he will receive a customized amount of points. By default 2!
- If the viewer is the first one to guess the word plus theres more than 2 players in the game, he will receive, by default, 3 points!
- If all viewers guesses the word, the drawer will receive x * y points. x is the amount of players in the same game, and y is by default 2!
- The point system can be disabled in the config.yml file!
- The highscore can be checked by using the command /DrawCraft top <number>, or just /DrawCraft top!
Ekstra Features
- When a player leaves a game, he will spawn at the location he/she joined the game. Leave by using /DrawCraft leave!
- If you don't want players to type in commands to join games, you can disable the join command in the config file, and use buttons instead.
- To add a join button to a game, simply type /DrawCraft button <game name>, and place the button.
- To delete the join button, just simply break it! (Only plugin admins can break it!)
- Set the max numbers of players allowed in each game
- Choose to enable or disable logging of chat inside and outside of games
- The way you look when joining a game, is saved for when you leave the game
- Players inventory is cleared when leaving a game, unless op
- Players ingame can't hurt other players
If you want a detailed explanation of how to set up a new game with the easy wizard, please click here!
Use /DrawCraft help for more information about the commands!
The plugin shortcut command is /DC!
If you have any requests or notice any bugs, feel free to PM me or write a comment!
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Next Goal:
As i want more people to like this plugin, i will try making it possible for all servers to install this.
If you want to know more about this, please click this link