DropAndPickupblocker is a tool, you can use to control pickup or drop items!
- Since v.1.1 you must change the permissions: The permission to drop is now dropandpickupblocker.drop and to pickup dropandpickupblocker.pickup
- New Configuration file: Please delete the old config.yml and start/restart your server. Now you can edit it again ;)
- DropAndPickupBlocker v1.0
- DropAndPickupBlocker v1.1 (Permissions changed, Fixed spamming on picking up items, Added possibility to enable or disable the messages, Added a command to reload the config)
- Put your plugin in the /plugins directory
- Start/Restart(/restart) you server or the the plugin with a Pluginloader (Klick here)
- Give permissions
- Enjoy the Plugin :)
- For drop: dropandpickupblocker.drop
- For pickup: dropandpickupblocker.pickup
Command | Description | Permission | Version added |
/dpb reload | Reload the config | dropandpickupblocker.reload | 1.1 |
- Allow or deny players to drop or pickup items
- Configurable messages
- Supports chat colors
In the config.yml (In the /plugins/DropAndPickupBlocker-folder) you can edit the messages and enable or disable them.
To do
- Add permissions for every item (Example: dropandpickupblocker.drop.diamond)
- If you have the permission dropandpickupblocker.* you can drop and pickup every item
Change the color codes to the known &-codes (&4 = red...)✓ (v1.1)- Add an Update-Checker
Add a command to reload the config✓ (v1.1)Fix the spam on picking up items✓ (v1.1)