DrugsXL [MC 1.7.4]

DrugsXL [MC 1.7.4]


WARNING! This plugin and its page contains material possibly sensitive to young kids! Reader discretion is advised!

== The developer for this plugin is currently away on vacation and can't work on this plugin. It is not known if the plugin will be picked up again. ==


Information Page | Permissions | Config

I'm sure you've thought about doing some kind of drugs in Minecraft. Whether it was looking at sugar and thinking "this looks awful lot like cocaine", or having taken a Nausea potion and thinking "woah, this is so cool!". Well, this plugin provides you the quickest and simplest way of taking a large variety of different drugs. Simple cocaine, trippy acid, and everything in between!

To see a list of drugs, and all their effects, go to the Information Page.

DrugsXL is a DRUG plugin I've been working on for quite a while. I've been adding drugs here and there, fixing bugs here and there. I'm finally done. And I want to share it with you guys.

Now, let me clear something up. It's not an economy plugin. You don't "sell" drugs. You use them. You might be wondering, "why don't I just use those other 912839212343432 drug plugins?". Well, it's because mine actually has varied effects. Not just some silly nausea. Every drug has a different effect.

You can also customize this plugin to an unimaginable extent with the new config.yml file that was added! That's right, edit the names, the items, the item names, the text, everything! This plugin has a permission for every single drug, and will also rename drugs to their appropriate name if that user has the permission! All this, and it's as simple as dropping a file in your plugins folder (it is dropping a file in your plugins folder!).


- Add tons of new role playing possibilities by getting high!
- Make amazing drug farms, and actually use those drugs!
- Hallucinations!
- Fully customize a drug with the config.yml file!
- Crazy speech slurring!
- Drug shops!
- Poisoned Bread!
- Item renaming!
- Drug crafting!
- Much (seriously) much more...

Here's a plugin review that thejoe649/RageNotch/@KL0NoA and I made

Here's part 2, showing speech slurs.

Donate if you're feeling generous!

List of files

Holy nuggets! 10 000 downloads!

<sub>Some credit goes to @microgeek and @DarkBlade12 for the particleEffect library used for ecstasy & meth</sub>