

Will be updated to patch other exploits as needed.
Automatic Updates
This plugin will automatically update when a new version is available!
Added in version 1.14.8!
This plugin has a punishment system that will ban you based on failed attempts to interact with a duping method without permission. Some of these interactions have been disabled in creative as it could cause players to be able to ban themselves easily. This feature can be disabled in config by changing punishments to false.
 Patches PlayerVaults and PlayerVaultsX exploits
 Cannot open playervault whilst standing on a Lily Pad or Carpet Block!
 Lots of customization.
This feature will not be active without the PlayerVaults or PlayerVaultsX plugin enabled on your server!
Config File
Enable or disable this feature in the config.
All messages have customization through the config.
Use <player> to target the player and <block> to target the block!
EX: disallow_message_antipv: '&eYou cannot use this command on the block <block>!'
Other Exploits
Make sure to report exploits that include duping or another issue and I may fix them and implement them into the plugin!
This plugin disallows users of your server from access to the book and quill unless they have certain permissions.
Prevent Duping via the book and quill.
This plugin will make it so all users without certain permissions
cannot access the item book and quill, this includes but is not limited to crafting the item, using the item, interacting with the item, or having the item in the user's inventory.
You can check if the feature is enabled by typing /antibook while in game.
You can bypass the plugin with the permission dupeprotect.antibook.bypass or with operator on the server.
**Reminder: All written books are still readable and can still be created by individuals with the bypass permission!!!**
Config File
You can set the configuration of the messages sent to the users and admins here, and you may also disable those messages if you chose to do so. You can also disable the plugin entirely here. The chat messages are fully configurable and use chat color formatting with the character '&'. You may also use the text <player> in the admin message to specify which player has interacted with the item.
EX: disallow_message: '&4This is the message displayed to the user who interacts with a book and quill.'
Need Help?
Need help with the plugin or want to suggest an improvement or new feature? Contact me on the official discord server!
  • dupeprotect.antibook.toggle  (Permission to execute /antibook)
  • dupeprotect.antibook.bypass (Permission to bypass the plugin)
  • dupeprotect.antibook.admin (Admin permissions for antibook)
  • dupeprotect.command.dp (Permission to to execute /dupeprotect)
  • dupeprotect.antipv.toggle (Permission to to execute /antipv)
  • dupeprotect.antipv.admin (Admin permissions for antibook)
  • dupeprotect.admin (Admin permissions for the plugin)

Fixed issue where admins would be spammed messages.

Added ability to prevent crafting of an item.

Added ability to bypass crafting of an item with the bypass permission.

Added more configuration changes.

Added more permissions.

Added more customization of the plugin.

Added /dupeprotect command.

Other bug fixes


Plugin will now update to the latest version automatically

Added AntiPV exploit fix

Added new permissions

Updated AntiBook Exploit Fixes

Added experimental bukkit build check

Updated config.yml to accommodate for AntiPV

Added new command /antipv

Added connection via sockets to the php web server
Other bug fixes


Hotfix for Updater


Deleted code that was not being used.
Updated config values from binary to booleans (true/false).
Deleted lag inducing functions.
Rewrote portions of code.
Bug fixes

v1.16.7 - Biggest Update so far!

Changed color formatting on message responses

Added better crash protection

Added better listener protection

Prevented console errors on crafting of book and quill

Added incremental punishment system

Fixed Auto Updater

Changed configuration files

Disabled Creative Punishments

Added punishment storage file (offenders.yml)

Punishments sorted by UUID

Better version support for older versions

Fixed several null pointers

Added the ability to switch the plugin on and off with commands (/antibook, /antipv)

Began class creation of next exploit (illegalStackListener)

Code Cleanup

v1.16.7 - Biggest Update so far!

Added bStats


Added listener to AutoUpdate to check if the version is actually new and not Bukkit API being slower than spigot.
Changed messages
Fixed AntiPV toggle
Added version limitations
Updated config
Updated ban messages
Fixed AntiPV exploit bugs


Rewrote AntiPV
Added punishments to AntiPV
Changed message formatting slightly
Updated command messages
Fixed AntiPV command
Added ALL commands to access player vaults to be blocked
Added code for future update blocking exploited written books
Added code for future update checking for illegal stacks
Code Cleanup

This plugin utilizes bStats to collect anonymous statistics