UPDATE: I (chaseoes) am now updating this plugin. I'm working on improving it and you can expect an update soon!
Duties provides a mode for admins and mods (those who do have the permission) which lets you save all your survival stuff and later be able to revert back to it. For example, you are adventuring in a cave, and someone tells you that someone has griefed his house. Just type /dutymode and go investigate it. When you're done, just type it again, and you are back again with all the stuff you had before.
Current version: 1.4.2 for CraftBukkit [1.6.4.R1.0]
- Save your state for later
- Location (including where you are looking, and what world you are in...)
- Inventory
- Armor
- Health
- Hunger
- Experience
- Saturation
- Exhaustion
- Gamemode
- Fire ticks
- Potion Effects
- More... velocity, vehicles, remaining air, bed spawn...
- Keep duty mode on while offline
- Set other players mode
- Run configurable commands when enabling and disabling the mode
- Add temporary permissions while in duty mode
- Add temporary groups while in duty mode
- Remind players that they have duty mode on when...
- logging in while Keep-state-offline is on
- opening chests
- dropping items
- Broadcasting status changes for example: "ThePf went on duty." Fully customizable.
- Individual broadcast bypass
- Option to change every message that the user will get when using Duties
- Vault permissions and name formatting support
- List players with dutymode on
- Chest interact, item drop, death drops, kill drops prevention
- TagAPI support
- custom prefixes
- custom suffixes
Addons - extends the feature reach of the original plugin:
- Groups by TH3PF, idea by retricide - Have diffrent kinds of dutymodes for diffrent ranks...
- Stats by TH3PF, idea by devonpilney - See how long players have been on duty and log commands etc..
Known issues:
- Players who are offline and on-duty when the server stops or reloads will keep there on-duty postion off-duty
Commands: (Every /dutymode can be replaced by /duty and /dm)
- /duties help - Shows the help for the plugin.
- /duties reload - Reloads the plugin.
- /duties disable - Disables the plugin.
- /duties updateconfig - Updates the configuration without sacrificing already existing data
- /dutymode (toggle [Player]) - Toggles the duty mode for yourself [or for another player]
- /dutymode enable/on [Player] - Enables the duty mode for yourself [or for another player]
- /dutymode disable/off [Player] - Disables the duty mode for yourself [or for another player]
- /dutymode list - Shows a list of which staff players have duty mode on
- /dutymode listall - Shows a list of which players have duty mode on
- /dutymode hideb [Player] - Disables the broadcast feature for yourself [or for another player]
- /dutymode showb [Player] - Enables the broadcast feature for yourself [or for another player]
- /dutymode purge - Forces all players off dutymode
More: Configuration & Permissions