Easy Build


This is a simple plugin that enables you to establish a socket connection (as with minecraft:pi edition) and build structures remotely!
here's an example python script to show you the basics:

import socket
#import the socket module

s = socket.socket()
#make the socket variable

s.connect(("localhost", 4444))
#substitute localhost with your server's IP.

#Tells the server to place a block of stone(1) at X: 0 Y: 90 Z: 5

#Closes the socket, and finalizes the instructions (AKA it actually places the blocks now.)

If you want to simplify using sockets to place blocks, and make it appear to happen when you tell it to, use this example function:

import socket
s = socket.socket()
s.connect((IP, 4444))
def placeBlock(socket, x, y, z, ID):
  socket.send("{}_{}_{}_{}_".format(x, y, z, ID)
for i in range(0, 200):
  placeBlock(s, i, 90, 50, 57)

(Note, i use python in these examples because i only know python and java :P)
linebreak Here's the list of permissions:

The names should be fairly self-explanatory.

Here's the list of commands:
/placeBlock <x> <y> <z> <ID>

Again, fairly self-explanatory. (ID's MUST be The numerical block ID's!)

NOTE: MUST close socket to finalize changes.
NOTE: MUST type /enableServer every time you want to make a change with sockets (To prevent hackers from griefing)

If you are the generous type, i could really use some money for pizza, coffee, etc..
Check it out on github!
Github Repository