

ModStick is a plugin that will help you every day!

When mods come online & are on duty, they will be able to kick & ban people in a flash!

When a mod right clicks with one of the ModStick items, they will be prompted to enter a username & the user will be punished accordingly!

  • Pumpkin Stem (Bans user for Advertising)
  • Melon Stem (Kicks user for violating the chat rules)
  • Paper (Kicks user for spamming chat)


/toggleonduty or /tod: Toggles whether or not the moderator is on duty.

/addmod: Adds the user to the list of Moderators.

/remmod: Removes user from the list of Moderators.


modstick.addmod: Allows user to add Moderators (USE WITH CAUTION).

modstick.toggleonduty: Allows user to toggle whether or not they are on duty.

Thank you very much for reading! Any suggestions? Post in the comments!