French developer
EasyBank is a simple plugin, requierd Vault and an enconomy system wich with permissions
and command, take or put somme money of your Economy account in your Bank account.
It can be verry usefull for the RP-Server because it integrated lot of founctions like Banker, sign support, Interest, ...
- Wiki
(disponible en Français!!)
- Permissions system.
- Command system.
- Sign system.
- Flat File or MySql
- Interest
- Initial holdings
- Costs
Planed Features:
Sign support(Multi sign support 21/10/12)Banker CommandPermission to Create Bank accountAdmin CommandLocal FileMySql(21/10/12)AutoUpdater(21/10/12)Code Cleanup(21/10/12)Interest(21/10/12)- Statistic WebPage
- Dynamic !
- other idea ?
v .7a
- Fixed: Chat problem
- Fixed: Code mistake
- Added LWC support (for make sign accessible)
- Added option to Enable/Disable the interest for only the connected player.
- Added /bank pay [Amount] [Player]
- Added API
- Updated to CraftBukkit Beta 1.4.2
Older version: here