This is in development. There may be bugs. Report them by sending them to me in a PM or create a ticket.
EasyEssentials 0.9 for 1.6.2
EasyEssentials is a plugin full of easy commands, and will update with more commands once I learn how to program them.
How this was made:
It all started when I encountered Java. I started to program using it, and made a simple form. Then I went on to Bukkit to see what new plugins there were. I was just like, hmm, same, same, same.. It was full of things I wasn't interested in! So I decided, "Hey! Let's make a Bukkit plugin full of essential commands!" I looked up tutorials, and found a couple, programmed a lot, and programmed the rest with a little help from the forums! When this plugin was made, it started out with 18 commands.
A lot of effort was put into this plugin, please
Go here for the Permissions and Commands