EasySpleef is a simple spleef plugin that allows server owners to set up a area with thin seconds!
- World Edit(Optional)
Developer Info
Current Features
- Manage Spleef Arenas
- Each Command has its own Permission
- Set Amount of players needed
- Set Amount of players that can play
- Custom Modes
- Change messages
- Events
- Easy to fine problems
- Much More...
Things to Come
- More Spleef Modes
Plugin Showcase (Recorded EasySpleef v0.1.2)
- /sp help - Lists all the commands
- Permission - easyspleef.spleef.help
- /sp create [arenaName] - Create a Spleef Arena
- Permission - easyspleef.spleef.create
- /sp remove [arenaName] - Remove a Spleef Arena
- Permission - easyspleef.spleef.remove
- /sp info [arenaName] - Shows info about the Spleef Arena
- Permission - easyspleef.spleef.info
- /sp join [arenaName] - Join a Spleef Arena
- Permission - easyspleef.spleef.join
- /sp leave - Leave the current Spleef Arena your in
- Permission - easyspleef.spleef.leave
- /sp addSpawn [arenaName] - Adds a Location were the Player Spawns and the beginning of the match
- Permission - easyspleef.spleef.addSpawn
- /sp listSpawns [arenaName] - Lists all the Spawns that have been set for the Spleef Arena
- Permission - easyspleef.spleef.listSpawns
- /sp removeSpawn [arenaName] [spawnId] - Removes a Spawn based off the Spawn's ID
- Permission - easyspleef.spleef.removeSpawn
- /sp addFloor [arenaName] - Adds a Spleefable floor to the Spleef Arena
- Permission - easyspleef.spleef.addFloor
- /sp listFloor [arenaName] - Lists all the Spleefable floors that have been set for the Spleef Arena
- Permission - easyspleef.spleef.listFloor
- /sp removeFloor [arenaName] [floorID] - Removes a Spleefable floor from the Spleef Arena based off the Spleefable floor's ID
- Permission - easyspleef.spleef.removeFloor
- /sp setMinPlayers [arenaName] [amount] - Sets the required amount of players for the Spleef Arena to start
- Permission - easyspleef.spleef.setMinPlayers
- /sp setMaxPlayers [arenaName] [amount] - Sets the maximum amount of players the Spleef Arena can hold
- Permission - easyspleef.spleef.setMaxPlayers
- /sp setMessage [messageName] [newMessage] - Sets a custom message to replace the default messages
- Permission - easyspleef.spleef.setMessage
- /sp getMessage [messageName] - Gets what the message is currently set to
- Permission - easyspleef.spleef.getMessage