p a g e s (click images to go to page)
[Owner] theoddkidsout_188_club
[Admin] thememecool99
[helper] watupnicc
/mutechat - Disabled the chat
/mutechatreload - Reload the config
/mutechatversion - Shows the version you have
/clearchat - Clears chat
/clearplayerchat - Clears the players chat
/muteglobalchat - Mute the global chat
mutechat.* - All perms
mutechat.reload - Can reload the config
mutechat.use - Allows the user to use mute chat
mutechat.clearglobalchat - Allows a player to clear the server chat
mutechat.clearplayerchat - Allows players to clear their chat
mutechat.global - Allows players to mute global chat
mutechat.bypass - Bypass global mute
mutechat.antispam.bypass - Bypass anti spam timer
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