How to set up the plugin
- Create an area of white stained glass and put water above the area
- Grab the wand with /dac wand and select both corners of the area with right and left-clicking on it
- Go to the jumping place and then submit /dac jumppos
- Go to the waiting place and then submit /dac deathpos
- Then type /dac start
- Play with an infinite amount of player
- Choose the size of the pool as you like
- Alloy player to choose the block placed where they land
- If a player land on a block of water surrounded with four solid block he will gain an additional life
/dac start -> Start the game with all the online players -> permission dac.start
/dac stop -> Stop the current game -> permission dac.stop
/dac jumppos -> Set the position where the player will jump at their turn -> permission dac.jumppos
/dac deathpos -> Set the location where the player will be when waiting their turn or waiting the end of the game -> permission dac.setdeath
/dac clear -> Clear the pool by removing all solid blocks and replace them with water -> permission dac.clear
/dac wand -> Gives you the wand to set up the location of the pool -> permission dac.setpos
/dac block -> Choose which block will be placed where you land on the pool -> no permission needed