Elemental Bows

Elemental Bows


Elemental Bows allows you to craft 8 new bows all with special elemental abilites:


All bows and their abilities are listed below.

Explosive: Arrows shall explode in a 3m radius upon impact with a block.

Freezing: Arrows shall turn all water to ice and ice to compressed ice within a 5x5x5m area upon impact with a block.

Glowstone: Arrows shall create glowstone where they land.

Lightning: Arrows shall strike lightning upon impact with a block.

Poison: Arrows shall effect any mob they hit with Poison I for 5 seconds.

RapidFire: Arrow shall be launched with full force regardless as to how drawn the bow was.

Slowness: Arrows shall effect any mob they hit Slowness III for 5 seconds.

Teleportation: Arrows shall teleport the shooter to wherever they land.

Crafting Recipes

All recipes are shapeless and contain a bow. The other item(s) for each is listed below.

Explosive: 1 TNT

Freezing: 1 Ice

Glowstone: 1 Block of Glowstone

Lightning: 1 Nether Star

Poison: 1 Fermented Spider Eye

RapidFire: 5 Feathers

Slowness: 1 Anvil

Teleportation: 1 Ender Pearl

Source Code

Found Here




explosive.shoot - Arrows shot from the explosive bow shall have an effect Default: Op

explosive.craft - Allows the player to craft the explosive bow Default: Op

freezing.shoot - Arrows shot from the freezing bow shall have an effect Default: Op

freezing.craft - Allows the player to craft the freezing bow Default: Op

glowstone.shoot - Arrows shot from the glowstone bow shall have an effect Default: Op

glowstone.craft - Allows the player to craft the glowstone bow Default: Op

lightning.shoot - Arrows shot from the lightning bow shall have an effect Default: Op

lightning.craft - Allows the player to craft the lightning bow Default: Op

poison.shoot - Arrows shot from the poison bow shall have an effect Default: Op

poison.craft - Allows the player to craft the poison bow Default: Op

rapidfire.shoot - Arrows shot from the rapidfire bow shall have an effect Default: Op

rapidfire.craft - Allows the player to craft the rapidfire bow Default: Op

slowness.shoot - Arrows shot from the slowness bow shall have an effect Default: Op

slowness.craft - Allows the player to craft the slowness bow Default: Op

teleportation.shoot - Arrows shot from the teleportations bow shall have an effect Default: Op

teleportation.craft - Allows the player to craft the teleportation bow Default: Op

Known Bugs


Planned Updates

  • More Bows
  • Config File

If you have any bugs, or suggestions for new bows, or updates to already existing bows, please leave it as a comment below.