This plugin was requested by a server owner, it's a plugin just for fun. There's not much to say about more than.. EPIC!
Enderman particales.
- Teleportation.
- Permissions.
- Easy to use.
- Enderman particales.
- Enderman teleportation sound.
This plugin will create a endereffect around the player before the play teleports and after. Also you will hear the classic enderteleportation sound!
Permission nodes:
- ep.teleport
If you're using a plugin for ranks you'll most likely get a config file also where you can put your ranks, there you'll put the permission node. Where depends on your plugin. You could watch a tutorial to see how, the permission node is above.
- It very simple.. first you download the plugin.
- When you've downloaded it, drop it into your plugins folder.
- If you have ranks on your server put the permission nodes into your permissions.yml file.
- Finally restart or reload your server (command for reload is /reload)
It's very simple to use. First you will need the permission node above and put it into your permissions.yml file (if you're OP this part doesn't matter unless other people on your server want to use it. To use it in-game you type /etp <player>. if you just type /etp it will warn you for too few arguments, also if you type /etp <player> <player> it will warn you for too many arguments. Remember this plugin is mostly for fun, it will create some extra effects when teleporting so it's just as good too use /tp if you don't want the extra effects.
/etp <player>