Ender Only Once
This plugin make ender dimension SSP like. One player only defeat the EnderDragon one time. If Player defeated the dragon not able to enter ender dimension.
Now, it's released
After long alpha status, this project become to Release status. Please report all bug in Ticket system.
- Vault - This is NOT optional. Vault provide all permission and economy support.
- Permission and Economy plugin (supported by the Vault)
- Allow to defeat ender dragon ONE time
- MultiEnter function (Allow to enter ender, but dont hurt the dragon, or pickup XP)
- Automatic ender regeneration (If dragon died)
- Allow groups to enter.
- Translation support
- Fully customizable with In-game comamnds
- Automatic Ender world detection
- Complete ender management
- Safe Spawn location in ender
- EnderPay (Buying one more fight for currency)
Now i have a small bug on automatic regeneration. After regeneration, players have many Client-side lagg in ender. If you dont want automatic regeneration, set the regenPlayerlimit to -1 To fix Client-side lagg effect you nedd manually delete ender world folder and restart server.
In trying to fix this as quickly as possible
Planned Features:
- Set enderDragon healt
- Automatic EnderDragon respawn (w/o regeneration)
- Fix error when you try to go nether in GameMode 1
- Cancel EnderDragon portal creation
- Divide dropped experience
- Do you have any good ideas? Share with me.
Commands & Permissions:
See related page for command description and permissions
Version 1.0:
- Now all planned feature working. This is the first release version
Version 0.1:
- Development preview release