Enders Game (BungeeCord)


This is a continuation of my Enders Game plugin that supports BungeeCord, For full description go to Enders Game Site. You need to download the target file (for the server the game will actually be played on) and the hub file (for the hub server that you join from). Enders Game is a team mini-game where players fly around in zero-gravity and can push off of objects by double clicking space bar to launch themselves. They can shoot with their "flash gun" and killing a player takes them out of the game. Once a player has pushed off, they cannot change course, However, they can shoot during this time and can also be shot. A team wins when one of its members reaches the other team's "gate".


  • Zero-Gravity
  • Spectating while disabled
  • Players automatically leaves game if they quit
  • Join Signs
  • Lobby
  • Gates
  • Full Automation
  • Permissions
  • In-Game permission commands and permissions management

Planned Features

  • SideBar Score-Board (first)
  • Stats (second)
  • Multiple-Arena's (third)