


Simple chat control plugin!

Why my plugin?
- Developed and improved all the time
- Open to suggestions
- It has many options (I think so)
- You can easily adapt (almost) every aspect

Options in the plugin:
- Auto message
- Chat cleaning
- Turn on / off chat
- Cooldown - time limit
- Censure {culture}
- Anti-advertisement
- Anti-CapsLock
- Color writing
- Join / Quit message {or disable these}
- Admin channel {chat only for administration}

- Prefixes! {new}

If you...
- want my plugin, for the Minecraft version, which is not...
- want plugin configured for your server...
- have a problem with the plugin...
- have an idea for new features...
write and I will try to help.

/chat cc – clear chat
/chat off [reason] - turn off chat
/chat on - turn on chat
/apv <message> - writing on the channel for administrators

/echat reload

In config.yml

- EChat.chat - Ability to use chat-related commands (/chat cc | /chat on | /chat off [reason])
- EChat.send - Possibility of sending messages while chatting off
- EChat.nocooldown - The ability to write in chat without a time limit
- EChat.nocensure - Possibility to write in the chat without censorship
- EChat.advert - The possibility of advertising in chat
- EChat.capson - The ability to write in a chat with CapsLock
- EChat.chatcolor - The ability to write in chat in color
- EChat.achat - The ability to write on the channel for administrators

- EChat.reload - Reload the config
- EChat.prefix - Ability to set a prefix
- EChat.prefix.pro - Ability to set a prefix {For admin}
- EChat.join.<permission> - Assigning server entry messages (<permission> - $permission$ in config.yml)
- EChat.quit.<permission> - Assigning exit messages from the server (<permission> - $permission$ in config.yml)
For example: 
In config.yml: - '$Owner$&3Owner &4%player% &3joined the game!'
Permission: Echat.join.Owner

How to update?

 - Make backup config.yml
- Download my plugin
- Run server
- Manually change what you have already changed in backup
- Enter /echat reload on server

 {I apologize for this way. I will try to improve it as soon as possible}