


ESClearChat - Developed by ExplosiveStraw/XBP

What is ESClearChat?

ESClearChat, short for ExplosiveStraw Clear Chat is a plugin which allows server staff to clear the chat, effectively removing all messages from the chat, however not the console.

Can I contact the ES Team?

Yes you can, however, the only current developer who is open for support is XBP (project leader/manager) you can contact us via discord.


/ccesclearchat.clearchat- Command to clear the chat, this does not clear console! (/clearchat is an alias!)

/cc -sesclearchat.clearchat.silent - Command to clear the chat silently. This does not clear console however, adds a log to the console for you typing the command.

Using /cc to clear the chat with "staff-message" disabled. (What player's will effectively see)

What staff-member's will see (when they clear the chat)

What can I do with this plugin?

You are allowed to do the following:

- Use the plugin for personal use (on your network, server etc).

- Change the CONFIG.YML portion of the plugin.

You are NOT allowed to do the following:

- Release source code.

- Sell/use the plugin commercially.

- Change the PLUGIN.YML portion of the plugin.

- Redistribute the plugin on your own services. 

Configuration File

#  ______  _____  _____ _                  _____ _           _   
# |  ____|/ ____|/ ____| |                / ____| |         | |  
# | |__  | (___ | |    | | ___  __ _ _ __| |    | |__   __ _| |_ 
# |  __|  \___ \| |    | |/ _ \/ _` | '__| |    | '_ \ / _` | __|
# | |____ ____) | |____| |  __/ (_| | |  | |____| | | | (_| | |_ 
# |______|_____/ \_____|_|\___|\__,_|_|   \_____|_| |_|\__,_|\__|

#Prefix - This will be the prefix used in the broadcast when the chat has been cleared.
prefix: "&cESClearChat &8>"

#Clear Chat Message - This will be the message broadcasted when the chat has been cleared. (Use %player% as the player who typed /cc)
clear-chat-message: "&7The server chat was cleared by: &e%player%"

#Staff Message - Message sent to a staff member to clarify that the chat was actually cleared.
staff-message: true