---- SETUP -----
Everything regarding setup is in config.yml in the plugin directory. (shown below)
Make sure you have Vault installed aswell!
---- COMMANDS ----
/essaystaffchatreload: reload your config
/staffchat <message>: send a message in the staff only chat
/leadonly <message>: send a message in the lead only chat
/adminonly <message>: send a message in the admin only chat
/moderatoronly <message>: send a message in the moderator only chat
/helperonly <message>: send a message in the helper only chat
essaystaffchatreload -> escreload
staffchat -> sc
leadonly -> lo
adminonly -> ao
moderatoronly -> modonly, mo
helperonly -> ho
Help me translate! Send me a message on discord: Breadcycle44#9363
#============================================================= # COLOR CODE COLORS # &0: Black | &8: Dark Gray # &1: Dark Blue | &9: Blue # &2: Dark Green | &a: Green (Lime) # &3: Dark Aqua | &b: Aqua # &4: Dark Red | &c: Red # &5: Dark Purple | &d: Light Purple # &6: Gold (Orange) | &e: Yellow # &7: Gray | &f: Black # ============================================================= # COLOR CODE FORMATTING # &k: Obfuscated | &n: Underlined # &l: Bold | &o: Italic # &m: Strikethrough | &r: Reset (remove current code applied) # ============================================================= # Enable/disable certain chats enabledModules: staff: true helper: true moderator: true admin: true lead: true # Prefixes of the different chats # Use of color codes is supported prefixes: staff: "&8[&aStaff&8]" lead: "&8[&aLead&8]" admin: "&8[&aAdmin&8]" moderator: "&8[&aModerator&8]" helper: "&8[&aHelper&8]" # Format of how messages sent in the corresponding chat look like in the chat box/console # Placeholders: # {prefix}: corresponding prefix defined above # {playerprefix}: author's prefix # {Playersuffix}: author's suffix # {player}: author's name # {displayname}: author's displayname (nickname) # {message}: message sent # NOTE: {player} and {message} can be color-coded, the others can only be color coded when they are not color coded themselves formats: staff: "{prefix}&r {playerprefix}&r {displayname}&b: &c{message}" lead: "{prefix}&r {playerprefix}&r {displayname}&b: &c{message}" admin: "{prefix}&r {playerprefix}&r {displayname}&b: &c{message}" moderator: "{prefix}&r {playerprefix}&r {displayname}&b: &c{message}" helper: "{prefix}&r {playerprefix}&r {displayname}&b: &c{message}" # Replaces '{name}' and '{displayname}' when a chat is used through the console consoleName: "&4CONSOLE"