essential menu

essential menu



I will be discontinuing essential menu today on the first of July 2017 16:50 (UTC+02:00), i released essential menu 1.9 as a final version for mc 1.12 today. I might come back some time to check on this but that is highly unlikely as i will be moving on to other projects. Thank you for the support on my first plugin. I will be continuing with other, larger projects as my skills have progressed greatly. Thank you for reading. (Hopefully i will have some new plugins up soon!)


old post:

(this plugin i my first released plugin) please give me suggestions on what I should do to the plugin ( add remove something etc). this plugin opens up a menu when you execute a command or by right clicking a book, this menu has a list of commands that can be executed by clicking the item they represent. The plugin also adds in some commands like /heal, /spawn etc . (all of this is done on my free time so pleb donate)

do you like essential menu? if you want to help me out you can donate

current features:













menu when right clicked a book or /em

-------------------- Configuration -------------------

link1: link number 1

link2: link number 2

link1name: link number 1s name in the menu

link2name: link number 2s name in the menu

warp1: disable or enable warp1

warp2: disable or enable warp2

warp3: disable or enable warp3

em_commands: set if commands use /em, like /em heal or /heal

-------------------- Commands -------------------

/heal Heal your self

/godmode go godmode

/suicide kill your self

/spawn go to spawn

/invis be invisible

/uninvis no longer be invisible

/warp1 goto warp 1

/warp2 goto warp 2

/warp3 goto warp 3

/setwarp1 set warp 1

/setwarp2 set warp 2

/setwarp3 set warp 3

------------------- Permissions ---------------------

essentialmenu.heal for /heal this is also needed for the heal item in the menu

essentialsmenu.admin for the admin menu

essentialsmenu.menu2 for page 2

essentialsmenu.menu3 for page 3

essentialsmenu.link1 for link 1

essentialsmenu.link2 for link 2

essentialmenu.kill for /suicide this is also needed for the suicide item in the menu

essentialmenu.spawn use /spawn and in the menu

essentialmenu.invisible use /invis and /uninvis and both in the menu

essentialmenu.God use /godmode and the menu

essentialmenu.warp use warps

essentialmenu.setwarp set warps

------------------- videos ----------------------

coming soon...

------------------- How To Use ----------------------

Use /heal to heal heal your self!

use /suicide to kill your self

use /godmode to go GODMODE

use /spawn to goto spawn

use /invis to be invisible

use /uninvis to no longer be invisible

Right Click a book to view the menu! currently the menu has 4 pages: admin, page1, page2, page3, warps. which currently have heal, spawn, uninvis, invis, godmode, link1, link2, warp1, warp2, warp3, creativemode and suicide, click the items to preform the commands!

to do list:

high priority:

-remove herobrine

medium priority:

-make configuration easier

-add more to the menu!

low priority:

-more configuration

------------------- Servers using e-menu ----------------------

Post yours in the comments