- 2
Running commands using usernames of players offline since upgrading to 1.20+ cannot find player data
#5455 opened by TheNamesSkylar - 0
Sending embeds over the DiscordService (EssentialsXDiscord)
#5459 opened by catinbetween - 0
Npcs in baltop and "null"
#5475 opened by British-Poetic - 8 and not working when applied with luck perms
#5460 opened by saminator0107 - 0
[Discord Link] Using LP group's display name over internal name.
#5463 opened by codebycam - 2
Players unable to damage eachother with anticheat
#5464 opened by Hunter-171 - 2
Error while executing /tp to a offline player
#5465 opened by siBalda - 2
Add keywords in /item command
#5469 opened by thiagogebrimm - 0
Essentials messages
#5470 opened by Krullfath2 - 14
EssentialsX crashing my server
#5471 opened by nightmarefoxy9000 - 1 changes
#5474 opened by RazihelYT - 1
Do not change sign if it is waxed
#5473 opened by SrBedrock - 0
Make it so you can't /ignore yourself
#5487 opened by GeneralSarcasam - 0
/back disable on player/pvp death
#5476 opened by catches - 1
Allow /back for non-essentials teleports
#5478 opened by not-3than - 0
An event fired when a new message is received through /helpop command
#5479 opened by YanisBft - 3
Essentials will not log any more warnings for net.citizensnpcs.nms.v1_19_R3.entity.EntityHumanNPC$PlayerNPC.
#5480 opened by kailingma - 1
Whitelist indicator in /seen and in /whois (optional)
#5481 opened by takatalvi - 4
EssentialsDiscordLink mishandles roles with "+" in their name.
#5482 opened by MilesBHuff - 0
EssentialsDiscord not sending death messages to discord
#5483 opened by BaxAndrei - 1
Option to cancel teleport on damage
#5484 opened by cnie109 - 0
Non bukkit user creation
#5485 opened by GioeleNCC - 2
`[world]` permission not being checked
#5500 opened by G0phix - 1
Add TPR multiworld support
#5489 opened by xEll3si - 1
Error occurred while enabling EssentialsDiscordLink v2.20.1 (Is it up to date?)
#5493 opened by MrMeowzz - 1
EssentialsX spam [Essentials] Essentials updated the underlying Player object for <playeruuid> on console
#5494 opened by ObsidianMC123 - 0
Toggle /pay modifiers in config
#5495 opened by AjMaacc - 1
Back on death message to NOT be on lowest priority and ignore cancelled
#5498 opened by JHarris12345 - 6
Random teleport should have a message letting you know that it's searching for a location
#5499 opened by DavidVrckovic - 1
Players can nick with RGB without proper permissions using legacy format
#5513 opened by SiuanSong - 2
Keep effects on death
#5514 opened by Abasing - 5
Respawn command
#5501 opened by Wojciechgc - 2
Missing Items for Worth.yml (And /setworth)
#5502 opened by Unipotatoo - 1
Help me please with this cash report of EssentialsX, and i have te update 2.20.1 of the plugin
#5503 opened by iBronHD - 2
Enhancement for the /afk
#5504 opened by derpykid300 - 13
EssentialsX GeoIP no work
#5505 opened by GreatGoal0 - 1
Support for Mini messages and Motd delay
#5506 opened by Abasing - 4
Add intermediate level of teleportation toggle
#5508 opened by RealSuperRyn - 4
Vanish uses incorrect potion attributes
#5509 opened by Cats1337 - 2
#5512 opened by Stonley890 - 1
Add /playtime top
#5516 opened by BAD7777 - 2
Add join command
#5517 opened by DangLeDZ - 1
Implement allow commands in jail
#5518 opened by derpykid300 - 4
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "String.toLowerCase()
#5525 opened by PlayGlowCraft - 0
Use anything but /msg for sending a message to someone in-game from discord
#5519 opened by Aaron2550 - 2
Allow changing the name used for when someone uses /msg to send a message from discord to minecraft
#5520 opened by Aaron2550 - 7
player balances randomly to $0
#5521 opened by MinecraftedGaming - 2
@e not possible
#5529 opened by wwinbb - 2
Allow colored Buy/Sell Essentials Signs
#5528 opened by Waterman1001 - 1
Allow a certain amount of uses before command cooldown appears
#5527 opened by baailey