ESStaffChat - Developed by ExplosiveStraw/XBP
What is ESStaffChat?
ESStafFChat, short for ExplosiveStrawStaffChat is a simple plugin which enables players who have a certain permission to view a "staff exclusive" chat where staff can discuss things behind closed doors.
Can I contact the ES Team?
Yes you can, however, the only current developer who is open for support is XBP (project leader/manager) you can contact us via discord.
/staffchat - esstaffchat.staffchat - Command to enable/disable staff chat! (/sc is an alias!)
Permission to view chat: esstaffchat.viewchat
What can I do with this plugin?
You are allowed to do the following:
- Use the plugin for personal use (on your network, server etc).
- Change the CONFIG.YML portion of the plugin.
You are NOT allowed to do the following:
- Release source code.
- Sell/use the plugin commercially.
- Change the PLUGIN.YML portion of the plugin.
- Redistribute the plugin on your own services.
Configuration File
<strong># # ______ _____ _____ _ __ __ _____ _ _ # | ____|/ ____/ ____| | / _|/ _|/ ____| | | | # | |__ | (___| (___ | |_ __ _| |_| |_| | | |__ __ _| |_ # | __| \___ \\___ \| __/ _` | _| _| | | '_ \ / _` | __| # | |____ ____) |___) | || (_| | | | | | |____| | | | (_| | |_ # |______|_____/_____/ \__\__,_|_| |_| \_____|_| |_|\__,_|\__| # # </strong> <strong>#ESStaffChat developed by xbp/ExplosiveStraw - Copyright: ExplosiveStraw 2018. - All rights reserved.</strong> #<strong>Plugin Prefix</strong> - You can use color codes here. When ESSC sends a message, this prefix will be before all messages. prefix: "&cESStaffChat &8>" #<strong>Disabled Message</strong> - Prefix + Line below will be sent when a player DISABLES staff chat! Example: ESStaffChat > + Staff chat disabled! disabled-message: "&cStaff chat was disabled for you." #<strong>Enabled Message</strong> - Prefix + Line below will be sent when a player ENABLES staff chat! Example: ESStaffChat > + Staff chat enabled! enabled-message: "&aStaff chat was enabled for you." #<strong>Staff Chat Prefix</strong> - This prefix will be used when a player types in the staff chat. For example: "ESSC STAFF ALERT > [message]" #to show the player's name use "%player%" staff-chat-prefix: "&8(&cSTAFF&8) &7%player%&8:&e" #<strong>Auto Updating</strong> - To get the latest updates of ESSC, keep the value below as is. auto-update: true