<center>EV-Protect V.0.2 (Updated!)</center>
EV-Protect provides a new and advanced way of protecting buildings and structures on servers, with multi-world support.
- "Block Perfect" protection, so no more cuboids.
- Safe for server owners, any OP can destroy protected blocks.
- A configurable Protected block placement limit.
- and much more!
- /protect Will toggle protection for blocks that you place.
- /protect remain Tells you how many protection blocks you have left.
- /protect add <username> <amount> Gives more protection blocks to <username>.
- /protect set <username> <amount> Set's <username> to have <amount> protection blocks.
*** Run the server once and template files will be created in /plugins/EVProtect/***
- ** Beginning-Limit: <amount>** The number of protection blocks new players start with.
description: Allows you to override a protected block and give people protected blocks.
default: op
Want to see it in action? Click HERE!
** Please feel free to leave a comment of what you want to see in the plugin in the future, and I will probably add it! **