


This is a plugin which provides various APIs to other plugin developers, allowing them to have more fine-grained control over certain aspects of Bukkit. Specifically, it filters certain events into multiple events to allow plugin developers to control the outcome of the events independently for each player or entity the event concerns. By itself, this plugin does nothing, but other plugins may require it or optionally benefit from it if you install it.

This plugin uses Gravity's Updater for automatic update checking and retrieval: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/Gravity-Updater.96681/ It will not be used on first running the plugin, and you can disable it entirely in the config file.

By the way! Services that are not used by any plugins will not listen to any events.


  • /EventFilters - This shows you which event filter services are being used and by which plugins, as well as the type of dependency for the plugin and whether the plugin is actually using the service or not. Can be run from in game or from in the console. Requires the EventFilterServices.show-active permission to use.


  • EventFilterServices.show-active - Allows use of the /EventFilters command.


The configuration file is currently only used to enable or disable Gravity's Updater via the "auto-updater" option. Set it to false to entirely disable the automatic update checking and installing functionality.

Incompatible Plugins

Some versions of some plugins may be incompatible because they try to do the same thing as one of the services provided by this plugin. Have you found an incompatible plugin? Send LB1 a private message on BukkitDev or on the bukkit forums to let him know so he can update this list.

Currently known incompatible plugins:

  • KataParty before v1.3.x - upgrade to v1.3.0 or above to resolve compatibility

Plugin Developers

Are you a plugin developer looking to use the API of one of the services provided by this plugin? Check out the information on GutHub to get started.