This is a highly customizable xp to rewards plugin. This plugin lets you reward players for their xp, using a gui. I started this project because i couldn't find any good customizable xp to reward plugin. You can set up any reward or even multiple commands and a prize (XP in levels).
Commands and permissions:
- /exchange - Opens up the menu in which you can chose which reward you want to buy.
- /exchange help - Opens up the help menu.
- /exchange reload - Reloads the config file.
- Highly customizable rewards, chose any reward you want by inserting the command of the reward in the commands list. Yep 'list' that's right you can have as much commands as you like. You can, ofcourse, set the prize (XP levels) of every reward
- Highly customizable messages, change every message that ExchangeDeluxe has. There are also variables you can use, for displaying the player, prize or the item that has been bought.
- Highly customizable GUI:
1. Set your own title
2. Set the amount of rows
3. Set true or false if you want the inventory to close onclick or not.
4. For each reward:
- Displayitem, the damage and the amount
- Displayname
- Lore
- Prize
- Inventoryslot
- Commands
If you have any ideas, improvements or found any bugs, make sure to let me now, in the comments below.
#Variables you can use:
#<player> - replaces it with the name of the player
#<prize> - replaces it with the prize you entered
#<item> - replaces it with the displayname of the bought item
#All the messages
Prefix: '&7[&6ExchangeDeluxe&7] &r'
DontHavePermissions: '&cSorry, but you do not have permissions to execute this command!'
UnknownCommandMessage: '&fUnknown command. Type "/help" for help.'
NotEnoughLevels: '&cYou don''t have enough &6XP &clevels to buy this!'
BoughtMessage: '&aYou have bought &r<item>&a!'
#Contents of the GUI, note: rows can't be less or equal to 0 or higher than 6
NameGui: '&7[&6ExchangeDeluxe&7]'
InventoryRows: 1
InventoryCloseOnClick: true
Displayitem: DIAMOND
Damage: 0
Amount: 4
Displayname: "&bA set of diamond armor"
Lore: "&cCost: &6<prize> &clevels"
Prize: 10
Inventoryslot: 0
- 'give <player> diamond_helmet 1'
- 'give <player> diamond_chestplate 1'
- 'give <player> diamond_leggings 1'
- 'give <player> diamond_boots 1'
Displayitem: WOOL
Damage: 3
Amount: 1
Displayname: "&aA wool block"
Lore: "&cCost: &6<prize> &clevels"
Prize: 25
Inventoryslot: 1
- 'give <player> wool 1'
Displayitem: PAPER
Damage: 0
Amount: 1
Displayname: "&6$10.000"
Lore: "&cCost: &6<prize> &clevels"
Prize: 75
Inventoryslot: 2
- 'eco give <player> 10000'