



  • Edit mob's EXP drops
  • Edit ores EXP drops
  • EXP Orbs reduce lag feature

    As for now, this plugin only has costum EXP drops, that are only configurable by going into config.yml. Instructions on config.yml's variables are below

Commands and Permissions

This plugin uses permissions, however, you can disable them!

CommandDescriptionPermissionAdded in
/e or /experienceMain commandExperience.ev0.1
/e reloadReloads the configExperience.reloadUnknown

The instructions on configuration variables are in the comments below

# Use.Permissions = Use Permissions?
# Log.Commands = Log Commands?
# Log.EntityDeath = Log entity death?
# Log.OreBreak = Log when ore is broken?
# Ores.x.RandomXP = If x Ore gives Random amounts of XP (true = yes, false = no)
# Ores.x.RecieveXP = Amount of XP received when properly mining x Ore (if not random)
# Entity.x.RandomXP = If Entity x drops Random amounts of XP (true or false)
# Entity.x.RecieveXP = Amount of XP received when entity x dies (if not random)

MCStats go here