

ExpertTP is a lightweight, easy and the most complete teleport plugin for server administrators. Control your teleports with a simple and intuitive command. Imagine what you want to do and just write it. The locations are saved at runtime to prevent data loss in a eventual server crash and you can teleport yourself or any other player to wherever you want!

Avaliable commands and parameters:

/etp help - Shows all commands and parameters
/etp save [place_name] - Save the actual place with a name
/etp list - List all places you have previously registered
/etp remove (or del) [place_name] - Remove the indicated place from the list
/etp <place> - Teleports you to the indicated place
/etp <player> - Teleports you to the indicated player location
/etp <player> <place> - Teleports a specific player to a specific place
/etp <player> <player> - Teleports a specific player to another player
/etp version (or ver) - Shows the current version of ExpertTP plugin

Planned features for the next versions

- Run commands from the server console
- Teleport yourself or any other player to specific coordinates (X,Y,Z)
- Organize place list in alphabetic order